Community Newsletter

Life of an Otter

Weekly Photo Galleries: October 10-14

From learning about brains in science class to moving our bodies on the sports fields, we packed in a lot this week! It was so wonderful to have our first Sharing Assembly of the year today, and we were thrilled to welcome back parents to join us in person for the first time since 2020. Check out the photos below – and we hope to see you tonight (Oct. 14) for the Climb Higher Launch Party!

Grade 4 Science Icon for: Grade 4 Science
Boy making brain thinking cap
Children trying on brain thinking caps
brain thinking cap
Children making brain thinking caps
Child making brain thinking cap
Boys making brain thinking caps
Boy making brain thinking cap
Girls making brain thinking caps
Boy making brain thinking cap
Boys making brain thinking caps
Boys making brain thinking caps
Girl making brain thinking cap
Girl wearing brain thinking cap
Girl wearing brain thinking cap
Sharing Assembly Icon for: Sharing Assembly
girl at microphone
children performing
children performing
children speaking on stage
girl at microphone
children perfoming
children performing
children performing dance
Chorus Singing
Chorus singing
Girls at podium
Go, Otters! Icon for: Go, Otters!
Field Hockey
Field Hockey
Field Hockey
Field Hockey
Field Hockey
Field Hockey
Field Hockey
Field Hockey
Field Hockey
Field Hockey
Field Hockey
Field Hockey