Natick-based nonprofit Cocotree Kids and Charles River School Middle School students gathered before 7am on October 29th for a sorting and packing event.
Forty-four Charles River School Middle School students were on campus at 6:40am, well before their school day began, eyes bright and full of energy. Why? Because they signed up to volunteer with Cocotree Kids for an underwear packing event to help at-risk kids across the state of Massachusetts. The last line of the Charles River School mission statement reads “Our graduates know themselves, understand others, and shape the future of our diverse world with confidence and compassion” and this event allowed 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to impact the world beyond Old Meadow Road.
We are thrilled to partner with Cocotree Kids on this project. CRS parent Laura Hahn, mother of Darian Hong ’26, serves as the Chief Marketing Officer for Cocotree Kids. Before the packing session, she visited Middle School students to talk about clothing insecurity in Massachusetts and her impetus for helping to create this nonprofit organization. Students learned why underwear is essential for underserved children’s security and dignity and how the meaningful work they engaged in helps the problem throughout Massachusetts.
“We talk a lot at Charles River School about the importance of thinking about others,” said Head of School Gabe Burnstein. “We want our students to learn about leadership through service. Cocotree Kids is a great organization for our students to work with and this partnership allows our students to learn by doing – by serving others.”
Cocotree Kids’ mission is to provide new underwear to underserved youth across MA for their dignity and security. 1 in 3 kids in Massachusetts experience clothing insecurity and their access to underwear is even more limited as it cannot be donated, even lightly used. It must be new. The underwear packed at CRS will go to organizations such as Cradles to Crayons, Mass General Hospital, Newton Wellesley Hospital, and local food pantries. Now through the end of the year, Cocotree Kids is running their season of Giving with a goal of providing 60,000 pairs of underwear for 8,500 kids.
A special thank you to Levan Reid and WBZ News for visiting CRS to cover this important event and to share the essential work of Cocotree Kids!